The thing is I had never even heard of twitter just till just a few months back. I still clearly remember that day. I was watching Larry King Live on CNN and Ashton Kutcher was on the show. Kutcher kept mentioning about this new social networking phenomenon called twitter.
I checked out the site that day itself. Signing up was suprisingly easy and to be frank the really user friendly interface got me hooked immediately. Now that I had signed up, my next task was getting to know how all of it worked.
So what I was supposed to do was answer a simple question 'what are you doing?' Cool enough? Absolutely! Next you follow others whose updates aka tweets you would like to receive. And if that person isnt a total moron or a celeb youre likely to get followed in return. So your follower count rises and so does your popularity. It is true that unless you have gathered a substantial number of followers you wont really get the essence of twitter. In other words, you will need time to get yourself accustomed to this new medium. But once you get used to it, it'll take over your life in every possible way.