Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Shall We Dance

The problem with democracy is that everyone has a voice. Doesnt matter if that voice is stupid, doesnt matter if that voice is senseless and idiotic but it has to heard nonetheless.

Hence what we have in this country's Parliament now is pure "khichdi" (google that!). The opposition keeps demanding for a perfectly sensible joint Parliamentary committee probe into the 2G scam and the government simply refuses to oblige. And now even the party in power has started playing blame games (perfectly right they are) over this by accusing the opposition of sheletering a corrupt chief minister.

Days of parliamentary sessions are being lost to settle this squabble which usually ends up with an adjournment. If only we had more civilised methods of solving such a crisis without fighting it out in public on national television. Then again, from the looks of it Lok Sabha tv does have its share of decent TRP. So I'm not quite sure if they'd want the squabbles to end.

Its almost as if the government and the opposition have taken over the role to show the world how emocracy works, Indian style. Sadly naach gaana (google that too!) isnt the sol domain of Bollywood but of the Indian democracy as well.