Photography I've come to realise is a brilliant way of seeing the unkown world and reinventing the known. Also, most photographers are really friendly people willing to share their knowledge among others. Of course, I might be mistaken because I've met very few professional ones.
However the field of photography isnt all that hunky dory as I've come to realise. It requires extreme patience, quite literally, an incessant will to know more about stuff, and more importantly it requires money. Lots of it. Infact, more the merrier.
I'm a strong believer of the fact that a good photographer can take an awesome shot regardless of the technical specs of the camera he has at hand. But its true only to a small extent. When it comes to macro, true wide angle photography etc. one needs good hardware materials. Simple point and shoots, regardless of their price points just dont cut it when it comes to semi pro or lets say above amateurish photography. And SLRs cost a bomb. Most good ones do. There's no point going for a cheap SLR because one can attach good quality lenses later.
And the expenses dont end there. For shots which need slow shutter speed running into seconds, one needs a tripod. Then one needs a shutter release device. Then there are filters. And of course there are the hugely expensive lenses. When one considers all these, suddenly photography is all about money, okay maybe not all, but certainly quite a lot. Maybe I should stick to being an amateur and trying to do my best with a simple point and shoot. My lovely Canon PowerShot SX130 IS is perfect for that.
There go my dreams of becoming a good photographer. The end. Thanks for tuning in to my rant channel. Till next time...keep ranting...