Goodness gracious me! Have I gone crazy or have I become a cook? Cant decide, cant decide! I cant believe it! I made my first donut today! Was so so nervous!
First up, I had to google "donut recipe" and the results were mind boggling and totally scary (well I never claimed I was Gordon Ramsay have I?). Finally, I found this cool video (for dummies in the kitchen, I might add) which explained perfectly how to make a donut, the easy way. Thats all I needed baby, thats all I needed. :)
Next came the tiresome process of making the actual thing. For that to happen, I needed the kitchen to myself, something mom wasnt willing to let happen infront of her eyes! Anyway, after a lot of requesting, she unwilling agreed.
Added the ingredients, got confused, made a mess, but finally this is how it turned out:

Mr. Ramsay, I can see that you're worried. :)

Mr. Ramsay, I can see that you're worried. :)
- Image via Wikipedia