Friday, July 3, 2009

Railway Budget

Mamata Banerjee presented the railway budget today. There were high hopes from people from all walks of life across all economical classes.

She has announced loads of sops and new schemes and trains across many routes. But the essence of her budget was "Izzat". She has introduced a Rs. 25 monthly for all people having monthly income of below Rs. 1500 per month. Also, she has introduced "non stop" trains between various stations across the country. Something which I'm sure will be appreciated by all, as its a first of its kind in India! Also, the introduction of various routes, public private partnerships, amongst other things is also something the railway minister can be proud of. Students concessions and press concessions have been increased and introduced respectively. Also, plans of making at least 50 international standard model stations across the country is also a novel venture.

But finally it all boils down to one word...implementation.What the minister has announced is totally a pro people budget will loads of sops, but if its isnt properly implemented, its of no use. A big thumbs up to the minister for this pro people budget. And here's hoping all of it is implemented, and we get to see a new and improved Railways in the coming days.
